learn to complete your own

genetic genealogy investigations

When you learn to do genetic genealogy yourself you no longer have to rely on expensive, problematic outsourcing.

Our training puts the investigations back where they belong, in the hands of the investigators.

I help you learn more to do more and have complete and defensible cases.

Detective, Sheriff's Office
"Knowledgeable instructors. Great course."
Detective, Sheriff's Office
"I think this is a great investigative tool for law enforcement. Definitely a full time endeavor."
Detective, Police Department
"Great job by the trainers."
Captain, Police Department
"The class was great and I can see how it could be a valuable resource."
we're excited and we're

ready for registration

Learn more on our course page ⬇️

The Genetic Genealogy Investigations Certificate Program

Introduction To Genetic Genealogy

Gathering And Analyzing Evidence

Genome Development, Lab/Vendor Sourcing

The Genetic Genealogy Investigation

Ancestors and Advanced Tree Building
Leveraging GEDmatch and FTDNA
Verifying Lead and Relative Outreach
Overcoming Defense Challenges
Putting It in Practice

Civilian Law Enforcement Investigator
"(The best thing about our training) Learning a different method of tree building and research."
Detective, State Agency
"The schedule worked very well for me and the condensed time period was very helpful."
Detective, State Agency
"(How has it made your life easier) The ability to be able to make trees and go through data quickly and efficiently. It has helped with subpoena information in other cases as well."
Detective, Local Law Enforcement
"...it is amazing t he links that it can make with people."
Agent, Federal Law Enforcement
"I learned a LOT during your classes and definitely see the advantage in using genetic genealogy websites to locate suspects."
Director, Federal Law Enforcement Academy
"This is a terrific course."
Civilian District Attorney Investigator
"...this was a very helpful training especially for those of us just getting our feet wet."
Detective, Local Law Enforcement
"...it is amazing t he links that it can make with people."
Detective, State Agency
"I would recommend the class as the exercises were very in depth and made you think."
Investigator, Sheriff's Office
"(Why was this a good fit) I would not have been able to travel somewhere to attend the course. Christine is very approachable and helped us even outside of class hours."
Investigator, Sheriff's Office
"Now I feel confident to assist my department in investigative genetic genealogy."
Detective, State Agency
"This was my first experience with genealogy and while it is a lot at first, at the end everything becomes clear."