
genetic genealogy

case management

We understand your job and we want results for you the best way possible.

Genetic genealogy investigations require 3 things:

1) The genome (SNP DNA output), 2) Expert Forensic Matching Services, and 3) A prosecutable, defensible case.

Here's how we help you get there...

Competent, Cost-Effective Labs

Lab Services

We source STR and SNP testing every day. Let our LE trained experts review your case and source the BEST lab, with the BEST budget for you, for the BEST results.

Expert Investigations

Forensic Matching

We apply the latest fundamentals of genetic genealogy along with investigative standards to find  your people fast. We also provide an expert report that can pass muster.

Prosecutable, Defensible Cases

Case Management

Working investigations since 1986, we know how to put together probable cause, and present it. We are familiar with all aspects of the criminal justice system.

Detective Sam Hatley, Carson City Sheriff's Office
"Christine has been a wonderful resource. She's extremely knowledgeable and her past law enforcement experience helps steer the cases in the right direction. She's saved us time and money and solved one case for us in 48 hours using genetic genealogy. I would highly recommend her."

genetic genealogy services

Don't see what you need? Schedule a call with us.

What’s included

Case consultation to determine investigative direction, be it genetic genealogy or other.


Lab Sourcing

We will source the most cost-efficient, competent lab for you. Sourcing is complimentary when we provide contracted forensic matching services.



We provide genetic genealogy matching services (the relative investigation) from start to finish AND you don't pay until we get you a LEAD.


Case Management Package Complete

Includes initial consult, FREE, investigative review $297, lab sourcing $297, forensic matching services, $3,000+, and expert report services $997.*  ($4591 value)


We understand


Time, money, and statistics matter. Here's how we've generated results for agencies just like yours.

Forensic Matching Services

Competent, Quick Results

Agency A pays for forensic matching services. It takes at least 1460 days with a different external FGG vendor, and costs them over $3,000 for the forensic matching services.

Next time, we showed them how things should work with a 48 hour identification turnaround.

Outsourced Lab Work

Money Saving Strategies

Agency B was quoted $8,600 for an UHR case.

We stepped in and were able to get those costs reduced to $4,600 each and we've also been told we can get a further volume discount.

We don't take things at face value and treat your money as if it's our own.

Genetic Genealogy Investigation

Time Sensitive Work

Agency C had a case that had been started by outsourced vendor in 2019 and then went to another vendor in 2020 and STILL wasn't done.

In about a month, we were able to identify and build out 112 Doe matches, and determine that the "suggested" bio family was NOT.

If the agency had spent money on reference testing they would have come up empty handed and empty wallet.

Expert Report Writing

Police Investigative Specialty

Agency D had an issue that the report from an external vendor was not approved by the ME' s office.

We were able to verify the identification and submit an expert report that met the needs of the ME to  make the ID.

Because once a cop, always a cop and we know what YOU need to get the job done right the first time.

*Does not include lab services fee which is borne by the contracting agency